Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy List

Jenny gave me the idea to make a happy list. I did so and am sharing it. This is my attempt at sincere optimism (unlike the sarcastic optimism showcased in my last post).

1. Filbert. (He gets to go first because he's here.)
2. My family. (In general, I like them a lot.)
3. I finally know what I want to do. (Career-wise.)
4. I am American. (I'm not the super patriotic type, but I am very lucky to have been born here. I am thankful.)
5. I have lots of entertaining DVDs. (Fiction is beautiful.)
6. I have a new car. (It does not stall when I stop at lights and you can't hear it from 4 blocks away.)

And that's my list. It'll do for now.


1 comment:

Stepho said...

You also have excellent hair.