Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wow, am I behind...

...but I'd argue that I was supposed to have help with this thing. (Alison!)

So, listen: Does anyone want to go to a bridal show with me?

I know what you're thinking, I'm not engaged and neither is Nicole quite yet and even if you were, all the stuff at a bridal show is probably stuff you wouldn't actually want to pay for/take home.

But people go to dog shows without intending to buy dogs. And boys go to car shows all the time and still drive around in their boring little Hondas. And Grandpa loves steam engine shows, but I have yet to see one of those puffing away in his backyard.

So, who wants to go with me? Does it matter if all of us are either not engaged or already married? No! This is about entertainment, about spectacle! And about talking myself out of renting swans for Nicole's wedding.

In other news, I keep finding things that I want on my Christmas list and it's killing me. Usually I can forget about them, but I keep looking at ads and now I want:

-a digital camera (for knitting pictures)
-a knitting machine (on sale at Jo Ann!)
-an elliptical (Christmas is a season of dreams)
-cross country skis (why must you buy all the boot/strapping stuff?)
-a model train set (Something to start me, so I can model a landscape myself)
-a car (And I want an indigo one! Color is the only thing that separates one car from another! )

Capitalism. Yum.


1 comment:

Stepho said...

I want a treadmill and sweatpants. I have slim hopes of getting at least one of those two things.

I'll go to a bridal show! Can we dress up all bougie and wear sunglasses indoors, too? Can we drink appletinis?