Friday, September 7, 2007

Titles are gay.

Today, I went to the mall and was reminded of how much I hate people. I was there for all of a half hour and I was on the verge of punching someone. I do not like to be crowded when shopping. I do not like to be crowded at all, actually. Unless I'm being crowded by an attractive guy, but that's entirely different.

Went to see Superbad tonight. It was very funny, I must say. I'm not always into that kind of humor. (You know what I'm talking about. That kind of cheap humor. You know, boy humor.) But when the term "vag" is used repeatedly, I'm won over.

In other news, I hate being a girl. Seriously. I think too much and it hurts my head. I'm pretty sure boys don't think this much. At least they don't show it.



Joe C said...

"Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock."

"While you guys are off at Dartmouth, I'll be at State where the girls are half as smart and twice as likely to fellaish me."

Stepho said...

I like the term "va-jay jay" better than vag.

Jenny said...

I like peeners.