Monday, July 23, 2007


I miss Nick Carter's CD (he only had the one, right?). So much that I'm contemplating going out and buying it. Again. I'm just not sure I could stand the public humiliation of buying a Nick Carter CD or the personal shame of knowing that it would be the 2nd time purchasing said CD. But, now that I think of it, I wonder if they even carry it in stores anymore. I may have to do an online order. That would save me the public humiliation part.

Today was my work birthday. I have tomorrow off, so we celebrated today. Debra made her pasta salad (which I requested). It is possibly the most delicious thing ever. It's bowtie pasta, broccoli, those flat pea pod things that are so good, and a creamy sauce that I can only assume is loaded with fat. I have a theory that there's parmesan cheese in it. Then there are strips of chicken on top. YUM. Also, Becky made me a cake which was freaking fantastic and I'm kind of sad that I had to bring it home because I will eat it the whole damn thing. Debra and Becky also got me flowers. So cute. Love them.


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