Friday, May 4, 2007

My Evening

We saw Godspell tonight at Midview. It had its moments, but in general was less than good. Jesus was good. Judas, while not a great actor, was hot as hell. The singing was hot and cold. The acting was uninspired. The spotlights were horrific. I must say that I was impressed with everyone remembering their lines. There weren't many times when they were all looking at each other blankly. That's something.

After the show, Nicole came over and she, Jenny, my dad and myself played the Babysitter's Club game. Jenny won. We're not sure that winning the BSC game is a good thing, though. I got most of my points when I had to describe what I would put in my Kid Kit. I immediately started rambling off different crafts (mainly scrapbooking stuff). My job is cool.

Jenny mentioned that I should go to culinary school. Are there ghetto culinary schools that let you in no matter what? I could go to one of those... But seriously, I will look into this. Today, when in search of something to put on leftover pasta, I decided I wanted some sort of butter thing, so I made a sauce out of butter, lemon, white wine, and lots of garlic. It turned out freaking awesome. Mmmm.



Stepho said...

Were there actual boys in the cast?

Jeli said...

Several, actually. At least eight.
(All gay as maypoles, of course.)

Joe C said...

"Jenny mentioned that I should go to culinary school. Are there ghetto culinary schools that let you in no matter what? I could go to one of those... But seriously, I will look into this."

Community colleges. Supposedly the community college I went to (and am considering going back to for just this type of class) is a highly rated culinary school.

So yeah -- LCCC would be a good place to start.